Friday, March 25, 2011

New Mexico then... then... and now

When this post rolls up, I'll be at the Left Coast Crime convention in Santa Fe, New Mexico, hanging out with mystery readers and writers (and taking in the sights).

So, what to say about New Mexico?

Well, there's the far (human) past:
 Petroglyph National Monument and Bandolier National Monument

The more recent (human) past:
Georgia O'Keeffe and Los Alamos (back when)

My little piece of "now":

And lest I leave Victorian times out of the loop... here's a great website, Moments in Time, with a short video about Victorian fashion and New Mexico, a la 1880s. If you've ever wondered how women of this era managed to put on a corset without help, check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog. Very interesting, especially the petrogliphs. I'd like to know more about them. And the cliff dwellers. Hope you do more about them.
